For new preppers the subject often seems to be overwhelming, but in reality it can be broke down in five areas. These same five subjects work whether your bugging in or bugging out. To survive you need to be prepared in the following five areas. These are not listed in the order of importance as this can change depending on where you live, for example in the desert or Alaska.
1, Food – This will include learning about
What foods you need to keep healthy
How to correctly store your food to keep them at their best.
Growing, gathering and hunting both wild and home grown foods
Preserving your foods without modern refrigeration
How much you need to store, remember that when you are stressed and working hard you will eat more than normal. Error on the high side.
How long are you preparing for?
2, Water – learn the following
Where to find water
How to store water
How to filter or purify water
How much water you need to store. I say as much as you can.
3, Shelter – Work on the following
Winter and summer sleeping arrangements
Protection from the elements
Sources of heat and light
How to stay warm, dry and comfortable.
Check your clothes and foot gear.
Medical – you need the following
A supply of your required prescription medications
First aid supplies
Nursing supplies
Medical books on both modern and herbal remedies
Basic medical training
Self defense and security – Know how to protect you and your family
Firearms and ammunition – own what you legally can and learn how to use them.
Static protection, this includes good locks, doors, alarm systems, what you need to keep burglars or raiders out.
Motion detector lights
Keeping your mouth shut and not tell others what you are doing.
Know the threats you face.
Now all of this applies to new preppers whether you are bugging in or building a pack to bug out. So start by looking at what supplies you already have and see where it fits on the list. Everybody has something even if it is just your clothes. Once you see what you already have, determine your priories and start to fill them. Just take your time learn as you go, but get started. Many of these subjects are addressed in other posts on this blog, you can find them by using the search function at the top right hand of the page.
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