(NaturalNews) Uncertainty over the validity of the information regarding the Ebola virus being put out by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has led to outright fear among a growing number of American healthcare workers, and many of them are simply refusing to take care of the latest patient in New York City.
According to reports, nurses and medical staff at Bellevue Hospital in NYC have been calling in "sick" in what appears to be a naked refusal to deal with him, especially on the heels that a pair of nurses who took care of the first domestic patient, Thomas Eric Duncan, also tested positive for the deadly disease in Dallas.
In those cases, CDC Director Dr. Thomas Frieden blamed the infections on the nurses, saying they violated protocols, but in reality, it appeared as though no protocols were in place yet, despite the fact that the institution where Duncan was initially treated, then sent home, then readmitted with symptoms, underwent hospital-wide Ebola training in the days before his first arrival.
In the case of the NYC patient, Dr. Craig Spencer, who just a few weeks ago was in West Africa treating Ebola patients as part of the Doctors Without Borders organization, he at first told health authorities that he "self-quarantined," only to reveal later that he had, in fact, been out in public - in ride-share cabs, in a bowling alley and on the subway -- the day before he developed symptoms.
'Sick-out? There's no sick-out'
With so much chaos surrounding the disease, is it any wonder that healthcare providers are becoming leery of treating anyone with the virus - especially when one of their own behaved so irresponsibly?
"It is a tragedy this doctor who gave of his time to help treat Ebola patients has been stricken with this deadly, contagious disease; however, he knew the risk," reads a blog entry at FreedomOutpost.com. "Instead of acting responsibly before leaving Guinea and after returning home, this man chose to go about life as usual. Now, he has potentially exposed and infected dozens of individuals. This is unacceptable. Spencer should be held personally responsible for any individuals who contracts [sic] the virus because of contact with him."
As reported by the New York Post, an "extraordinary" number of nurses called in after Spencer was admitted; sources say that those who have shown up to treat him are petrified to go inside his isolation ward.
"The nurses on the floor are miserable with a 'why me?' attitude, scared to death and overworked because all their co-workers called out sick," a source that was not identified by the Post said. "One nurse even went as far as to pretend she was having a stroke to get out of working there, but once they cleared her in the ER they sent her back up."
Ana Marengo, a spokeswoman for Health and Hospitals Corporation, denied that there was a sick-out. She said Spencer was being treated by nurses who work in teams of two, "with one serving as a buddy watching the other."
'Candidate for experimental treatments'
At the time of this writing, Dr. Spencer was listed as being in stable condition. The Post said sources report that he is advising staff taking care of him about how to do so properly and safely.
"As a doctor, he knows a lot about medicine, so he would call the nurses station all day and going back and forth with doctors on what to do," the source told the Post.
Dr. Spencer is not able to receive visitors, but sources told the paper that he will be able to Skype with friends once his room is set up with a video camera.
Also, medical staff and hospital officials refused to discuss his exact treatment, but current doctors are trying to keep him comfortable and hydrated.
"He will be a candidate for any experimental treatments that might be available," Dr. Irwin Redlener, an adviser to the mayor, told the Post.
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