By Doc Montana, a contributing author of
The National Coffee Association suggests there might be some truth in the legend that coffee was discovered in the
Coffee and Guns
Although coffee is a global phenomenon, the only US state that grows coffee is Hawaii. But when the SHTF, as the saying goes, you can’t get there from here so your survival supply is all there is. Coffee has always been an important barter item, and it’s post-collapse value will skyrocket. Coffee and conflict go hand-in-hand. GI Joe, as in “Cup of Joe” experienced the importance of coffee as a ration during war time. Tea may have launch this country, but coffee and bullets keep it free!
Rarely does a daily hunt begin without a coffee ritual of some sort. Whether drinking “vitamin C” in a small town cafe, or pouring the black gold from a thermos in a duck hunting blind, coffee and guns are inseparable. So when society takes a wrong turn and you don’t know who to trust, coffee will still be your friend.
Standing Your Grounds
The point of grinding coffee beans is to break open the bean exposing the flavorful roasted meat inside the seed, and
The best option is to get a modern hand grinder of which there are so many available that I cannot help but wonder if the manufacturers know something about the future that I don’t. For the long haul, I’d recommend one of the nicer modern stainless steel grinders rather than either an retro-looking one or a grinder with any part made of glass.
Stone Grinding
A mortar and pestle does a fine job of grinding up beans. Another method is similar to the maze (corn) grinding tools of the ancients. The mano, or hand grinder, is a rock with a depression like a bowl in it whereby another smaller rock is used to crush or grind the material placed in the bowl. Rolling pins also pulverize coffee beans when the two come in contact. Hardly a new idea since stone rolling pins are as ancient as the mano. And if you have plenty of time on your hands, or some children that need a diversion, imagine all the post-apocalyptic fun you can have crushing individual coffee beans with pliers.
Also Read: Coffee…Can You Go Without It?
Once you have the fresh grounds, the next step, and only other step is to make the coffee. Here are several ways to take that next step, some more refined than others, but all are effective and well-tested.
Steeped Coffee
Steeping coffee is a variant of cooking coffee, and is simply letting the coffee grounds sit in hot water for a while. The
Cowboy Coffee
Another variation of cooking coffee is popular named Cowboy Coffee, or boiled coffee and requires nothing more than
Filtered Brew
Pour-Over coffee, or filtering, requires a filter medium full of grounds, a container below the filter to capture the
Pressure Coffee
Espresso is the popular name for pressure brewed coffee. The variations
of Americano, Latte, and Cappuccino are just post-expresso alterations to the tiny cup of black gold squeezed from the beans by pressurized hot water. Although sounding somewhat complex, pressure-brewed coffee can be accomplished with remarkably simple devices. Moka Pots, or stovetop espresso machines are small two-piece pots where a water reservoir base is topped with a strainer full of tightly packed ground coffee. A small pot is screwed tightly to the base holding the complete assembly together. As the water in the reservoir reaches boiling temperature, it encounters the resistance of the compacted coffee. The increased challenge posed by the coffee causes the water to heat beyond the traditional boiling point until the pressure is great enough to move through the grounds and up a tube to the top of the pot where it then falls into the collection area of the pot.
Also Read: Long Term Coffee Storage For When the SHTF
The process happens fairly quickly once boiling is reached. Due to the extreme danger of placing what amounts to a coffee pot bomb on your stove, I recommend only professionally made pressure coffee makers with a pressure release valve on the reservoir. Fabricating your own post-apocalyptic stove top espresso machine out of car parts is just asking for trouble.
The Grim Reality
Regardless of your brewing methods, you must have coffee beans to make coffee. In a post-collapse situation, coffee
Roast Your Own
Now all this assumes you have roasted coffee beans in your possession. If you only have green (unroasted) coffee beans, you will need to roast them first. While more of an art than a procedure, roasting coffee beans can be done using simple tools. With little more than a camp stove and old-school stove-top popcorn maker, coffee beans can be roasted into drinkable condition. Just don’t get your hopes up right away as there are far more ways to destroy your beans then to roast them. Home roasting is best done outdoors due to the smoke, but remember, there are only two main roasting mistakes once you have the right temperature dialed in: not roasting long enough, and roasting for too long. Other than that, its just a game of getting it right for your taste.
One For The Road
Survival has both hard edges and soft ones. As has been discovered through countless investigations of who lives and who dies when the SHTF, a positive attitude plays as much a role as having the right equipment. If one intends to live through the dark times, then one must learn to smell the roses though the smoke. If you don’t then you are already at a serious disadvantage. Instead, prepare to drink up and know when the world starts to crumble, you will preserve one of the finest aspects of modern society: the cup of coffee.
All Photos by Doc Montana
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