That’s the message you’ll probably start hearing from the mainstream talking heads. The risk of Ebola spreading is little to none. The public has nothing to fear.
Just because the CDC said that Ebola infections could reach 1.4 million by the end of January (worldwide), don’t worry – you will be fine. Ebola will always be somewhere else – not here…
The CDC has just confirmed that a patient in Dallas has the Ebola Virus…
(CBS Dallas Fort Worth) Officials with the Centers for Disease Control have confirmed that a person in Dallas definitely has the Ebola virus. Tuesday’s official determination makes the Dallas patient the first diagnosed Ebola case in the United States.
Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas has admitted a patient into strict isolation… The hospital is following all Centers for Disease Control and Texas Department of Heath recommendations to ensure the safety of patients, hospital staff, volunteers, physicians and visitors.
Given today’s air travel and open borders, this first case of Ebola in the United States may be just the beginning – the tip of the iceberg.
Hope none of you were in DFW airport recently and used a toilet, a flush handle, a door, or sink that this guy touched. Or were on the plane he was on – or sat in his seat that he sweated in – or used the plane’s bathroom or touched the overhead bin he touched. Or touched the luggage carousel that his bags were on and his hands touched when he picked up his bags…
How many more will make their way into the U.S. undetected, and begin spreading this deadly virus (with ~70% mortality rate).
Personally, I would not risk my life on what the mainstream talking heads will tell us (that we have nothing to worry about – you can only get Ebola from direct bodily fluids). Ebola has been around since the 1990’s. Why is this new outbreak spiraling out of control? Because something is different about it!
Do yourself a favor. Stay in touch with this Ebola outbreak. Know what’s going on. Get your information from more than just the alphabet TV channels. Get yourself enough food to survive in your home for at least 3 months. Get it now before it becomes a potential grocery store shelf-clearing panic. Just-In-Time distribution will make it extremely difficult to restock shelves if the nation panics. Consider pandemic-specific supplies, just in case. Know that an epic food crisis will follow a pandemic.
It has begun… and is only the beginning…
By the way, the CDC has just warned funeral homes in the USA to prepare for Ebola victims.
WFSB Eyewitnees News 3
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