Aug 16, 2014

Urban Survival Guide – How to Survive a Nuclear Attack

Urban Survival Guide – How to Survive a Nuclear Attack

In the event of a Nuclear Attack, a properly stocked emergency urban survival kit with NBC gear plus a good understanding of nuclear weapons and their effects may be the only thing that saves your life. In these times of political uncertainty, recent events such as the 911 Attacks on New York and the bombing at the Boston Marathon are driving home the point that nuclear attacks are becoming an ever increasing possibility. There’s also the threat of North Korea and it’s unpredictable leader Kim Jong Un.

Survival Guide – How to Survive a Nuclear Blast Urban Survival Guide – How to Survive a Nuclear Attack
A Nuclear Blasts can potentially destroy everything within a 50 mile radius, and they will also have immediate life threatening consequences to the neighboring communities hundreds of miles away. When they occur, urban survival may depend on mere seconds in response time. Having a pre-made emergency urban survival plan plus BOB (bug out bag) at the ready will get you on the road to safety much faster and will help you to survive the after effects of devastation.

Nuclear Blasts will emit huge shock waves of pressurized winds for miles around the epicenter of the bomb blast location. They can knock buildings off of their foundations while also contaminating the air and water with radioactive debris.

The light from the nuclear blast can cause permanent blindness when witnessed without averting the eyes. The intense heat can be felt for miles around. These are all factors that should be clearly communicated to family members, especially to small children. Here’s a great video explaining what to do during a nuclear blast:

Things to Do Before a Nuclear Blast
  • Create an emergency urban survival kit that includes (among many other things) plenty of bottled water, nonperishable goods, battery powered flashlights and radios, along with extra batteries. Create several kits, one for your car and one for work.
  • Design an emergency urban survival plan that includes a specific meeting location for all family members. Have two locations in mind. One that is immediately within your specific neighborhood, and another that is farther away outside of town.
  • Locate a fallout shelter as part of your criteria. For work, perhaps your employer has a concrete structure or underground facility. At home, choose a location that provides minimum exposure to radiation and the ensuing heat blasts. Perhaps talk to a nearby office complex or hotel to determine if they have an adequate location.
  • Subways and tunnels are another great location. In times of severe threat, you may want to enhance your emergency urban survival kit with enough supplies to last up to a minimum of 2 weeks.
Things to Do During a Nuclear Blast
  • Stay alert of all new updates. If an alert is issued to seek cover, you may have very little time to react. If you are instructed to take cover, do not hesitate. Move swiftly, but do not panic. Follow your emergency urban survival plan.
  • If there is not enough time to make it to your family’s pre-determined Nuclear Blast Shelter, take cover below ground as soon as possible. If this is not an option, locate a large concrete building and move towards the center. The goal is to place as many walls between you and the blast as possible.
  • Grab your emergency urban survival kit and be prepared to stay below ground for a minimum of 24 hours. Do not evacuate the safety of this location until you are instructed by the governing authorities. Remember, there is the initial blast to worry about but also the resulting nuclear fallout and radiation.

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