By Emily.
When you first hear the word ‘prepper’ or ‘prepping’, the first thing that comes to mind is crazy, hoarder, nutjob, or those paranoid people who have a LOT of supplies of just about everything. What is a prepper?
When you google prepper, a box appears defining a person who believes that an emergency is likely to occur in the near future and actively prepares for it by stocking food, ammunition, and other supplies. Accordingly, there has been a continuous rise of preppers over the past few years with 3 million in numbers in the United States alone. Most people see them as insane or attention-getters but while preppers may be tired of hearing the same thing over and over again, some of these things may be hurtful or insulting.
1. We are freaks.
Wake up everyone! Being a prepper means that you are just prepared with enough stuff to help keep you going through a month or a year. Technically, we just don’t want to enter a fight without the necessary ammunition. It does not mean that we are freaks.
2. Preppers have an underground tunnel underneath their homes.
No, preppers may have a basement or a dugout with their stuff, but not everyone has them. Just like prepping for a big event, you have cabinets filled with canned goods and other supplies. Not much is different for preppers; the only difference is that people overstate the term too much, it comes out as exaggerated.
3. We could live off eating bugs.
This is absolutely absurd. Being prepared does not mean being desperate to the point of eating bugs. It just removes the entire point of preparing. The reason why preppers prepare is because they want to have enough food kits, water, and other necessities required for survival as long as it can be. So do not confuse being prepared with total paranoia, this is just absurd.
4. We always wear tactical clothing.
No, being prepared does not necessarily mean being heavily armed and wearing camouflage. When people say prepper, the image that comes to mind is a man armed with a backpack, guns, tactical gear – that sounds reasonable considering that they are preparing for a battle. But, they are not. Preppers simply put the whole plan of surviving and getting ready for catastrophic events into action and that does not necessarily mean tactical clothing is on the list.
Photo by UK Ministry of Defence via Flickr, Creative Commons
5. Our cabinet is filled with guns and crossbows.
If you are part of the military, this is probably true. But if you are part of the bigger group of preppers, their money goes to much of the supplies rather than expensive guns and ammunition.
6. Preppers always have a conspiracy theory about governments.
Have you watched the movie RED (Retired: Extremely Dangerous)? Well, you have probably seen one of his pals as saying the government is trying to kill everyone and that is the system. Yes, it’s crazy but if you come to think of it, everyone is crazy of the government. Preppers may think ill of the government, but they don’t always see the government that way.
7. We hate the government.
Do not generalize. Preppers are normal people and normal people have different views of the government. This thinking is a result of the failed government attempts to make up for the budget supposedly allotted for relief and disaster operations. They give budgets and emergency response in front of the media but when it comes to the real action, the government can’t save every person and ensure each’s safety. Come to think of it, preppers are actually helping the government by being responsible for themselves and not rely too much on the government alone.
8. We think everyone is a threat.
Preparing and paranoia should never be correlated to each other. Preppers are only in it for disaster preparedness among other catastrophes. Don’t be scared of preppers, they don’t kill.
9. Preppers prepare for the Doomsday.
Just because they are preparing for disasters does not mean that it’s the Doomsday that they are preparing for. By the term itself, they are getting ready for any catastrophe or disaster that may come and not just for the Doomsday
10. Hoarding is our way of life.
Though this is true, preppers don’t just hoard any stuff. They store emergency supplies such as food, first aid, ammunition, and water, among others. This becomes tiring to explain and it may be helpful to use actual words which you really understand.
Photo by Alan Denney via Flickr, Creative Commons
11. Deep inside, preppers are excited for the end of the world!
Definitely not! Who wants to end the world and end their life? Just because they came prepared does not mean that they actually want to use these skills. Again, I repeat, preppers just want to be ready when a disaster strikes.
12. If anything happens, Preppers are always prepared.
No one is a hundred and ten percent prepared for anything. Preppers are prepared for circumstances such as calamities and emergencies, but when it comes to diseases like cancer, I don’t think anyone could prepare for that.
13. We don’t trust anyone.
Just like in no. 8, preppers may seem weird for most people but preppers are also capable of trusting other people. Because when it all boils down to the end of the world, each one of us is an ally.
14. Facebook, Twitter, or any social media is off limits.
They live normal lives, live in normal houses, and social media is part of living nowadays. Besides, they would also like to keep in touch with the ways of the world as much as they are preparing for disasters.
15. We do not talk and just like to whisper.
This one is just pure crazy! Preppers are capable of speaking up as much as they are capable of living a normal life.
16. Our basement is filled with canned foods.
Yes, survival food kits including canned goods, some ammo, and gallons of water! Water is an essential supply for survival. Even without food, you may live long even with water alone.
Photo by Robert Benner via Flickr, Creative Commons
17. We are neat freaks!
If there’s something preppers are prepared for, it would be living dirty for survival or to get out of a dangerous situation.
18. Preppers spend time in the wilderness.
Preppers train and spend time living in the wild. In case their home gets destroyed. Most preppers actually see living in the wild as a minus since no one will be able to help you in case you ran into some danger. So if you see preppers as living in the wilderness, then you are wrong.
19. Preppers don’t have a life!
According to Scott Hunt who is the advisor for the show Doomsday Preppers and also a professional prepper, “The biggest misconception people have about preppers is that they make up scenarios and they’re just crazy people, but I think preppers have normal families, normal jobs.”
20. They are atheists.
Religion is out of the question. Period.
21. Preppers have plenty to share.
Though preppers have a lot to get when the need arises, preppers don’t have plenty to spare. However, they might share or help others in need and share their supplies. But not to the point of emptying out their sacks.
22. Preppers are Vegan.
If preppers are Vegan, then it defeats the point of keeping canned goods.
23. Why do we prepare so much?
This is tiring. Is there such a thing as preparing too much? Preppers prepare for whatever disaster that is to come. As such, they spend their money on various items which could get them warm, hydrated, and safe. But as much as they store items, they also spend their time learning new skills because in the end, skills are what’s needed.
24. We are preppers.
Preppers know who they really are so there’s no point to shove it up on their faces.
Photo by Patrick Bean via Flickr, Creative Commons
Preppers are not twisted nutjobs. They are people, like everyone of us who just chose a life of being prepared for the worst times. Society has tarnished the real meaning of preppers with these stereotypes shown on TV, but maybe we should keep an open mind about accepting preppers and not judging them just because they chose to be prepared. Contrary to what society has showed us, preppers teach us the simple lesson taught to scouts – that is to be prepared at all costs. Get your checklist and preparedness guide ready and learn to survive. Don’t let a bad thing catch you unprepared. Start preparing now.
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