Jun 1, 2014

Start Prepping - Keep It Simple

Start Prepping - Keep It Simple
by Suzanne

If you are new to prepping and you look at all the lists of things you need to have stored, it can be pretty overwhelming.

I am certainly no pro at this stuff but it seems to me that if you start with the absolute basics, food and water, that would ease your mind a little and let you give more thought to all the other things you need.

I personally think the most basic food supply would be beans and potatoes.  A little boring?  Yes.  Cheap?  Yes.  Could you survive a long time on it?  Yes.

After you have quite a number of buckets of beans and potatoes, then start thinking of food items to add to go along with what you have.

Dehydrated/freeze dried foods:

Onions, garlic, celery, carrots, bell peppers, TVP meats, pearl barley, tomatoes, spinach, cabbage, oil, sweet potatoes, milk, fruit, salt, seasonings.

This is just adding to the bare basics.  You can make some really delicious nourishing meals of stew with these items.  You can eat this for breakfast, lunch and supper if need be.  Add some breakfast foods if you want to.

Next add grains and baking mixes.

Now you have covered most of the really basic food items a little at a time without stressing yourself silly.

Too overly simple??  I don't think so.  If you are as poor as I am, this makes perfect sense.

Now, start practicing and learn to make simple stews and learn to bake bread.  Keep it simple.



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