Mar 6, 2016

Trying Out Some Food Ideas by Suzanne

I've been thinking lately of trying out some of my food ideas:

1.  Adding sprouted lentils to a pot of pinto beans for more nourishment.

2.  Growing pinto beans and picking some of the beans at about 3" long for green beans, and leaving some to go to seed.  That way you could re-supply your beans and still can or dehydrate some.

3.  Try a few different recipes for hardtack to find one that won't break your teeth but will still store for years.

These are just a couple of the things I want to actually try for myself and see what is edible and what's not.

I'll be adding to this list and maybe some of you could comment with some ideas for me to try out.

I'll post my results as I get time to do them.


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