Mar 9, 2016

Anti-Hoarding Laws Will Enable GOV To Take Your Food Storage by Ken Jorgustin

I suggest that you take the following information very seriously. It is a fact that there are laws on the books that will enable .gov to take and redistribute what you have – as they see fit – under the same circumstances that many of you are prepping for…
Should those circumstances actually come to pass, they will actually have the legal authority to take what you have. It will be even easier for them to do so if they and their agents preemptively discover (e.g. through local word-of-mouth) that you are one of those ‘preppers’. In other words, if you’re ‘ratted out’.
The mainstream has labeled ‘preppers’ = ‘bad’ (and worse), and the fact is that their label’s have ‘stuck’ in the minds of many – that’s another discussion altogether… Those who are self-sufficient-minded, independent-minded, liberty-minded, Constitutionalists, gun owners, any of the above… (you get the idea), be aware of your ‘label’ and the anti-hoarding laws which will paint a big target on you and your abode…
Note: In the context of this article, “hoarding” is not that of having piles of so called junk all around one’s home and yard, instead we’re talking about things like a deep food pantry, food storage beyond a few weeks, extra consumable supplies that you’ve stored, things like that… ‘They’ (the mainstream) have also labeled this type of thing as hoarding (which is ridiculous).
So here we go… how can .gov actually take this away from you?

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