Dec 30, 2015

Why You Need At Least a Year’s Food Supply

I have recently been reading some blogs that discuss storing different amounts of food.  The suggestions varied from as short as a month to a several years.  Some people sounded like they thought they were ready because they had two or three hundred pounds of grains for their family.  Me, I believe that you need at least enough food to survive through the next summer’s growing season. This requires at least a year’s supply.
This means that that if TEOTWAWKI were to occur in July, I would want to have enough stored food to survive until the next summer’s crop comes in.  That would be a year and a couple of months.  Even if you already had a crop in the ground, it probably would not be enough, plus many things can go wrong, from drought to raiders. If you are lucky and have a good crop right away and have success with hunting, the extra food is a good safety net.
I am convinced that most people do not store enough food.  They underestimate the number of calories that their body will require, because of stress and hard physical labor.  Children are another concern, I have been told by some people, yes I have a family of five, but the children are small they don’t eat much.  Just remember time passes quickly and children grow larger not smaller.  Malnutrition in children can stunt their growth and cause all types of health problems.
Here is a list of  Ten Basic Foods You Absolutely Need in Your Food Storage and  A List of Foods That I Recommend You Have in Your Storage.  Whether you are bugging in or going to a bug out location, store as much food as you can afford.  Some dried foods and grains can be purchased quite reasonably from the LDS (Mormon) Home Storage Centers.
Shop wisely and store a lot of food.

Dec 22, 2015

How to make a nutritious superfood for survival that lasts decades


(NaturalNews) It may come as a surprise to learn that the most nutritionally-complete food on the planet is not only easy to make at home, but can also be stored unrefrigerated for many years without spoiling.

Dubbed the "original MRE," or, "Meal, Ready-to-Eat," pemmican is a survival superfood that was developed by Native Americans many centuries ago. It contains everything the body needs to sustain itself in a healthy fashion for an extended period of time.

Pemmican consists primarily of powdered dried meat mixed in equal amounts with rendered animal fat. The early Americans used meats such as buffalo and elk; today, pemmican is typically made with beef. We suggest using grass-fed meat, as animals fed in this manner are raised significantly more humanely.

The Native Americans were also known to mix in a small amount of dried berries (around five percent -- by weight -- of the total ingredients).

Pemmican: Enjoyed by early settlers, still provides health benefits today

The Pemmican Manual, by Lex Rooker, contains a wealth of information on the subject, from the history of its use by early settlers to recipes for making pemmican at home.

"When pemmican was discovered by our early Frontiersmen (explorers, hunters, trappers, and the like) it became a highly sought after commodity. The Hudson Bay Company purchased tons of pemmican from the native tribes each year to satisfy the demand," Rooker explains. "The basic unit of trade was an animal hide filled with pemmican, sealed with pure rendered fat on the seams, and weighed about 90 pounds. As long as it was kept away from moisture, heat, and direct sunlight, it would last for many years with no refrigeration or other method of preservation."

Those frontiersmen knew a good thing when they saw it. Pemmican was ideal for travel and for stockpiling a source of highly-concentrated nutritious food during lean or cold periods.

The same considerations apply today. For surviving a SHTF scenario, you'll need portable, high-energy rations that can be stored indefinitely.

There are a few variations on the theme, but most recipes for pemmican follow the same basic methods.

How to make pemmican at home

First, you'll need to dehydrate your meat (and berries, if you want to add them. Keep in mind berries are prone to spoilage and may shorten the shelf life of the pemmican; it may be worth replacing them with another healthy item such as cinnamon). Use a food dehydrator or an oven at its lowest setting to slowly dry out these ingredients.

Rooker warns of being careful not to overheat the meat, saying that lean meat should be dehydrated below 120 degrees Fahrenheit, ideally staying between 100 and 115 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperatures that are too high will cook the meat too much and take away from the nutritional value.

Once you've dried the meat, grind it into a powder and add in the dried berries, if desired.

Next, you must render the fat. You can use tallow (rendered from beef or mutton) or lard (from pork). When doing this on a stovetop, simply heat the ground fat by simmering and stirring occasionally. Then strain the liquid that ultimately forms into a mason jar using a cheesecloth or coffee filter.

Once the fat is rendered and strained, it can be mixed with the dried meat and shaped into balls or set into a mold. The trick is to not use too much fat or the pemmican may eventually turn rancid; add just enough to thoroughly moisten the mixture and bind everything together.

Why not try some variations on the theme?

Honey, which yields a similar shelf life, can be used in place of animal fat. Adding some spices, such as cumin with black pepper, may also be tasty addition to this recipe.

Long-lasting nutrition for active people, SHTF situations

As Rooker notes, pemmican is the perfect food for someone on the move. It's also ideal for possible SHTF scenarios.

"Ten pounds of pemmican will easily sustain a backpacker for a full week providing 1 1/2 pounds of pemmican per day which would supply 4,400 calories -- enough to support strenuous climbing at high altitude and in cold weather." He adds, "The same 10 pounds of pemmican would supply food for two full weeks of leisure camping activities at 3/4 pound per day providing 2,200 calories."

Sources for this article include: [PDF]

Dec 16, 2015

DANGER ALREADY HERE? Syrian immigration tops 100,000 since 2012

DANGER ALREADY HERE? Syrian immigration tops 100,000 since 2012

A PROPOSAL TO ADMIT 10,000 Syrian refugees to the United States has ignited a bitter debate in Washington, but more than 10 times that number of people from the embattled country have quietly come to America since 2012.

How to Make a Survival Casserole

How to Make a Survival Casserole | Backdoor Survival
When I first started prepping, I was totally engrossed in learning as much as I could about survival tactics from the Great Depression.  For one reason or another, I have renewed this interest and have been spending my spare time reading books as well as watching some of the classic films and documentaries that depict the era.
Something I have learned is that women of the era were creative in the kitchen and took dibs and dabs of this and that and in order to create tasty meals as best they could.  
. . . Read More

Dec 9, 2015


19 long lasting foods that should not miss from your SHTF pantry2
Whether you’re preparing for a major pantry clean-out or you’re about to load up on essentials for holiday baking and entertaining, there are quite a few items where an expiration date doesn’t apply.When stored properly — in an airtight container, kept in a cool, dry place — there are a number of pantry staples that can last just about forever. Continue reading 

Dec 8, 2015

How The San Bernardino Terrorist Attack Changed Security In the US

San Bernardino Attack Security
The attacks on 9/11 had of course, changed the landscape as well. The number of deaths in just a matter of moments was staggering, never again we swore as a country. We went to war because of the attacks, and we heard the government recommend we stock up on duct tape and plastic. Now almost …

How to Use a Belt to Barricade a Door During a Shooting

How to Use a Belt to Barricade a Door During a Shooting
How to Use a Belt to Barricade a Door During a Shooting If terror strikes during a routine day at work, INSIDE EDITION has tips that can help you escape safely. Safety expert Bill Stanton showed us ways you can reduce the risk if the unthinkable happens — like it did in San Bernardino. This simple …

Dec 2, 2015

Why You Need Food Storage For Survival

Sometimes I think people wonder why you need food storage for survival. I get it. Maybe you have been lucky enough to never have been without food for a day or two, or even a few weeks. Maybe you have never lived where there has been a tornado, hurricane, ice storm, flooding or extreme winds, etc. I get very concerned when I hear people say, “I will just go to Linda’s house.” Here’s the deal, I can’t feed my whole neighborhood and provide water, fuel, and all the items needed after a disaster or unforeseen emergency. I would have to rent a very large storage unit and have thousands of dollars to do that. My point here is we must be able to take care of ourselves, the government cannot take care of us. Period. They will try, along with other groups like the Red Cross, but we need to be real. Be prepared. Do what you can do for yourself, one can or package of food at a time.

Urban Survival Guide – How to Survive a Nuclear Meltdown or Nuclear Power Plant Emergency

Urban Survival Guide – How to Survive a Nuclear Meltdown or Nuclear Power Plant Emergency
The partial nuclear meltdown in Fukushima has made it very clear that nuclear facilities are NOT 100% safe. Approximately 3 million people within the USA live within 10 miles of a nuclear power plant and if you’re one of them, it would be wise to make preparations for the small chance that you may one day experience a nuclear emergency. Please consider that in the event of a global catastrophe, or large nationwide disaster that the resources used to maintain nuclear facilities will be at jeopardy, which could lead to complete meltdowns of facilities. If you’re an urban survivalist preparing for a TEOTWAWKI event, you must consider that there are over 400 nuclear power plants on the planet and therefore protecting you and your family from radiation should be a top priority.

Civil Unrest and the Collapse of Society

Civil Unrest and The Collapse of America
Many experts believe that an urban environment is the worst place to be when a disaster hits and rightfully so, but many of us have no choice but to stay in the city. The majority of people don’t have wilderness retreats for when shit hits the fan. Most people will be stuck in a city with a million other people all fighting for survival. Despite the problems that will arise, there are solutions. Read more »

Nov 29, 2015

How To Store Baking Essentials For Longer Shelf Life

The basic baking essentials used to make bread from your stored grains (e.g. wheat berries) include baking powder, baking soda, salt, and yeast. Some people (e.g. Mrs.J) also keep a supply of vital wheat gluten (or bread enhancer) for their bread making.
The question (and answer) for today is, How do I store these baking essentials for longevity?

Nov 28, 2015


Types And Effects Of Nuclear Weapons, The Basics

Think of this as a primer if you will. It is written to cover the basics that will matter most to you as a prepper. I am intentionally leaving out a lot of technical jargon; there are others willing to throw that out at you. There will be some terms and concepts that do need to be understood. One I will use a lot is Ground Zero (GZ).
Ground Zero is that point on the surface of the earth directly under, at, or over, a nuclear detonation. Your location, distance, and direction, from GZ is very important.
It’s important that you understand that there are four types of nuclear detonations or “burst”. Sub Surface Burst, Surface Burst, Air Burst, and High Altitude Burst.
All nuclear burst will produce the same basic effects, blinding light, tremendous heat, massive blast wave, radiation, and the electro magnetic pulse. However, the type of burst will greatly determine the degree of each effect upon the target.
A Sub Surface Burst is one that occurs underground in which the fireball produced does not break thru to the atmosphere. The ground will shake and there may be a surface collapse at GZ but on the surface there will be no radiation or EMPreleased or blast wave. Really nothing to be concerned with and I mention it only because they have been used during weapons design testing programs in the past.
A Surface Burst is a detonation on or near enough to the surface where the fireball touches the earth’s surface. This is the one we almost always see in the movies and in illustrations for articles like this. There will be a brilliant flash of light, a massive fireball, and an intense outward-bound blast wave outward from GZ. As the fireball starts to rise a second blast wave, this time returning towards GZ, arrives and brings with it massive amount of debris. This debris is forced upward into the fireball and creates the stem of the familiar “Mushroom Cloud”. At GZ there is total destruction and depending on the size, design of the weapon, and to a degree the terrain, the area of total destruction can be considerable. Large areas of partial and incomplete destruction will extend even further.
Meanwhile the Mushroom Cloud continues to rise through the atmosphere, the stem discontinues and temperatures inside the fireball start to cool down. As it cools the prevailing winds will start to push the fireball downwind. Material inside the fireball, now radioactive, cools and starts to fall, largest, heaviest material first. By the time it reaches 30,000 feet the fireball will appear to be just another cloud but this cloud will be leaving behind a trail of radioactive fallout for several hundred miles.
GZ will not be survivable and will be radioactive for a long time. The further away from GZ you are the better your chances. A safe distance downwind will be much further than a safe distance cross or upwind.
An Air Burst is a detonation in which the fireball does not touch the surface of the earth. It has all the other characteristics of a Surface Burst but there is no Mushroom Cloud and most important there will be no significant fallout. What the Air Burst will do however is create a much larger area of destruction. It does this by creating three blast waves.
As the expanding blast wave (or initial wave) strikes the surface of the earth, it is reflected off the ground to form a second shock wave traveling behind the first. This reflected wave travels faster than the initial wave since it is traveling through air already moving at high-speed due to the passage of the initial wave. The reflected blast wave will merge with the initial wave to form a single wave. This is called a Mach wave. The over-pressure at the front of the Mach wave is generally about twice as great as that at the initial blast wave. If you have trouble picturing this try thinking of a ripple hitting the edge of a calm pond. This deflected wave becomes a second wave. The third wave will be the displaced air mass returning to GZ.
These types of detonation will double the area of destruction without the messy fallout. You can see the military advantage of this type of detonation. GZ will not be survivable but will not be radioactive for long. The distance from GZ you will need to survive the destructive blast are much greater but fallout will not be an issue.
Last of all is the High Altitude Burst. A detonation above 100,000 feet is a High Altitude Burst. No blast damage. No fallout. Your personal physical threat from this would be the potential flash blindness from the initial burst. The purpose of this type of detonation is the Electro Magnetic Pulse.
Lets review. A Sub Surface Burst is really not a military option. Surface or Air Burst, if you are at or are too close to GZ you are either toast or soon to be toast. If it was an Air Burst fallout is not a threat. If it was a Surface Burst and you are located far enough up or cross wind you should be in good shape. If you are downwind…
Fallout. Fallout is material that was made temporarily radioactive in the fireball through a process called ionization. It has a known decay rate.
There are multiple layers in the atmosphere; each layer is capable of having different wind speeds and directions. As the fireball becomes a fallout cloud and raises and lowers thru each layer the winds in that layer will have an effect. Lower levels will have less effect while upper levels will have more. In predicting where the fallout will go it helps to be a weatherman. Generally Continental US weather patterns flow from the South to North and West to East. But, there are seasonal variations. Understanding Highs and Lows and where you are in relation to them, would be useful information. Knowing that your westerly winds are the lower part of an upper level low that is moving south you can determine that the fallout will mostly travel south and east. (I once had to explain why surface winds have no effect to an Air Force General. The Major who ran the DoD weather school just sat there and grinned.
Fallout Protection is all about Time, Distance, and Shielding. The longer it takes for fallout to arrive the less there will be. If you are in a safe space, the longer you wait to go out the less you will be exposed to. The greater the distance between you and fallout that has arrived the less radiation you will be exposed to. The more mass between you and the fallout the less radiation will reach you. I think everyone understands these concepts well enough.
The next topic is very important. Targeting in Nuclear War.
In an all out war the first strikes will be against an enemy’s ability to strike back. Missile Silos, Bomber and Submarine Bases, and Command and Control Centers will be the first targets. Major military bases, seaports and manufacturing centers would be secondary. In a nuclear war most targets are going to be hit with Air Burst. Let me say it again. In a nuclear war most detonations are going to be Air Burst. (ICBM Silos and Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado will be exceptions to this). Fallout will be a problem, but probably not to the extent most of us think. Nuclear Winter? Forget about it. Totally made up bull!
One last thing, if you are outdoors and see an unexplainable, sudden, intense, flash of light and cannot identify the source, immediately drop to the ground, close your eyes, and cover your ears and open your mouth. You want to protect against flash blindness and the oncoming over-pressure of the blast wave. Remember, there will be a second blast wave in the opposite direction, so don’t be in a hurry to get up. Of course you may be far enough away that the wave(s) may never get there. Count that as a blessing.

Nov 25, 2015

Tactical Hand Signals That Every Prepper Should Know

Tactical Hand Signals That Every Prepper Should Know
Having a good understanding of tactical hand signals amongst your urban survival group will be a force multiplier when SHTF. Being able to communicate silently amongst each other will be critical to staying alive and taking out the enemy. Share this information with other members in your group and set a due date to have these tactical hand signals memorized. Once everyone in your group have these signals memorized it’s important that you go out and train/practice these until they’ve become internal/automatic. It will only require a few hours to memorize so you have no excuse to not study these, they could save a life one day. Add this to your list of urban survival skills you need to develop, you’ll be glad you did.

Nov 23, 2015

Urban Survival Food Storage, Rations, and Supply

Stockpiling Emergency Supplies
If you’ve planned well and have an emergency survival kit that includes food rations, you have a better chance of getting through the survival situation smoothly than those who did not put aside rations for such a contingency. Your food supply will get you through the difficult challenges that will come at you in the initial phase, such as assessing the situation, figuring out an action plan, and considering any natural food sources that might be in the vicinity. Your emergency rations might be all you need, since statistics show that in the majority of survival situations, people are rescued or escape unaided within 72 hours. Read more »

Nov 20, 2015

CIA Double Agent Predicts Terrorist Attack On America Within 2 Weeks

This is a situational awareness alert. A CIA ‘double agent’ who had infiltrated the Al Qaeda terrorist network is urgently stating that he believes the United States is ‘next on the list’ as ‘ISIS’ will attack within the next two weeks – likely around the Thanksgiving holiday period.
He states that the ISIS terror organization in Europe (following the Paris attacks) are desperate (‘on the run’ there) and are feeling that their time may be up – therefore speeding up their timetable to do as much damage as possible.

Islam, by law, is prohibited from US immigration by Bill Wilson

The Immigration and Nationality Act passed June 27, 1952 revised the laws relating to immigration, naturalization, and nationality for the United States. That act, which became Public Law 414, established both the law and the intent of Congress regarding the immigration of Aliens to the US and remains in effect today. Among the many issues it covers, one in particular, found in Chapter 2 Section 212, is the prohibition of entry to the US if the Alien belongs to an organization seeking to overthrow the government of the United States by "force, violence, or other unconstitutional means." This, by its very definition, rules out Islamic immigration to the United States, but this law is being ignored by the White House. 

The laws prohibits entry of "Aliens who the consular officer or the Attorney General knows or has reason to believe seek to enter the United States solely, principally, or incidentally to engage in activities which would be prejudicial to the public interest, or endanger the welfare, safety, or security of the United States." It also prohibits the entry of Aliens who are members of or affiliated with any organization that advocates or teaches, the overthrow by force, violence, or other unconstitutional means of the US or of all forms of law, and Aliens who publish, circulate and distribute materials teaching or advocating the overthrow by force, violence or other unconstitutional means of the US Government or of all forms of law. 

Islamic immigration to the US would be prohibited under this law because the Koran, Sharia Law and the Hadith all require complete submission to Islam, which is antithetical to the US government, the Constitution, and to the Republic. All Muslims who attest that the Koran is their life's guiding principal subscribe to submission to Islam and its form of government. Now the political correct crowd would say that Islamists cannot be prohibited from entering the US because Islam is a religion. Whether it is a religion is immaterial because the law states that Aliens who are affiliated with any "organization" that advocates the overthrow of our government are prohibited. It also prohibits those who distribute literature that advocates the overthrow of our country, which would include the Koran. 

In fact, there are many verses in the Koran that command Islamists to kill those who do not submit to allah and the prophet. If Congress so desired to hold the White House accountable to the current immigration of refugees (which also must comply with the law), it has the Immigration and Nationality Act to cite. The Administration is breaking that law. The question is "does Congress have the political will to do something about it?" Or shall we be a nation like that in Isaiah 59:14 where, "justice is turned back, and righteousness stands afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter." I think you know the answer, at least for now. But there are a handful of Congressmen who are studying this. Pray.

To read the law, go to this link and scroll down to Chapter 2, Section 212: 

Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson

Nov 19, 2015

The duty of self defense by Bill Wilson

A new Islamic State video is pointing toward New York City as a terrorist target. The New York Post reports: "The images of New York City are spliced between disturbing clips of suicide bombers preparing for attacks. A fighter also holds a grenade, pulling the trigger as the camera cuts to black. French President Francois Hollande then appears on screen, giving an address just after the Paris attacks. At the end of his speech, he says, "it's horrible." Then words flash on the screen, saying, "And what's coming next will be far worse and more bitter."" But this is not all, as the US government is exacerbating the problem by willfully resettling Islamic refugees in America, despite huge pushback from politicians and citizens alike.

ABC News reports: "Of the 31 states that have declared their opposition to taking in Syrian refugees, one state, Kentucky, has a specific reason to be wary of the background check process: previously two Iraqi refugees who settled in Bowling Green turned out to be al Qeda-linked terrorists with the blood of American soldiers on their hands, an ABC News investigation found. Both pleaded guilty to terror-connected charges after trying to acquire heavy weapons while in America's 2013, several dozen other suspected terrorist bombmakers, including some who were believed to have targeted US troops, may have mistakenly been allowed to move to the US as Iraq and Afghanistan War refugees."

Breitbart News reports: "Two federal agents operating under the umbrella of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) are claiming that eight Syrian illegal aliens attempted to enter Texas from Mexico in the Laredo Sector. The federal agents spoke with Breitbart Texas on the condition of anonymity, however, a local president of the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) confirmed that Laredo Border Patrol agents have been officially contacting the organization with concerns over reports from other federal agents about Syrians illegally entering the country in the Laredo Sector. The sources claimed that eight Syrians were apprehended on Monday, November 16, 2015."

AFP reports that "Honduran authorities have arrested five Syrians intending to make it to the United States with stolen Greek passports." Major news organizations, both liberal and conservative, are sounding the alarm that terrorism is coming to the US through "refugees." Even the leftist news media is beginning to understand what this "president" is doing. Problem is, when it happens, the "president" nor his government will protect you. Jesus said in Matthew 24:4, "Take heed that no man deceive you." This is a war against you. It's personal. Regarding terrorist attacks, President Ronald Reagan said, "Self-defense is not only our right; it is our duty." Be aware. Be wise. Be able to defend yourself and your family.

Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson

Nov 18, 2015

Bean Yield Chart


*½ cup cooked beans, drained equals 1 serving of beans 
*one 15-oz. can of beans equals 1 ½ cups cooked beans, drained 
*one 15-oz. can of beans equals 3 servings of beans 
*one pound of dry beans equals 2 cups dry beans 
*one pound of dry beans will yield 6 cups cooked beans, drained 
*one cup of dry beans will yield 3 cups cooked beans, drained 

- See more at:

What You Need to Know About Eating Expired Food

What You Need to Know About Eating Expired Food | Backdoor Survival
Have you ever been rooting through your pantry and come across a package that is well past its expiration date? Despite our good intentions, attempts at organization, and careful rotation of supplies, it still happens from time to time.
What about a really amazing sale on a packaged food? Sometimes that good sale is a last-ditch effort to clear out the product before the date. Should you still buy it?
When sorting supplies for my recent relocation, I discovered to my dismay that a couple of items had passed their expiration dates.
. . . Read More

Nov 16, 2015

Right now, someone, somewhere, is making plans to kill you by Daisy Luther

Right now, someone, somewhere, is making plans to kill you. Does it really matter who when the bullets start flying or devices begin exploding? After the events in Paris, are you arguing over theories, or are you making plans to survive a terrorist attack?

Massive disasters happen when people are going about their daily business. People go to concerts, fly to visit relatives, take vacations, run marathons, walk to work, take public transit, and shop at the mall. No matter who you are and where you live, if you aren’t an agoraphobic hermit, there are going to be times when you are part of a target-rich environment.

I'm sure the people in Paris never expected that they would become the victims of people whose goal was power, attention, and control through violent bloodshed. And if you find yourself in the midst of an attack, the motivation of the people attacking doesn’t matter at all. You are in just as much danger whether the perpetrator is a member of ISIS or a member of a secret government agency. A bomb is a bomb, an AK-47 is an AK-47, and a machete will lop off your head, regardless of the motivation of the person wielding it. So stop with the accusations and focus on what is really important – your survival.

Here are some practical tips for surviving a terrorist attack, with information compiled from a variety of experts. Be safe, friends.
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