Mar 12, 2015

Congressman warns Terror Cells Active inside U.S. Says Americans need to Prepare for Attacks

Rep. Robert Pittenger (R-NC), the chairman of the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare, is warning the American public to prepare for coming terrorist attacks.
The Congressman released a 24 page Terrorism Preparedness Manual to help prepare the public for what he says are multiple terror cells working inside the United States. He warns that these cells are already here, and says the public needs to prepare for what could happen.
I warned about the threat in The Ultimate Situational Survival Guide, and outlined what Americans need to do to be prepared for this very real threat. The fact is, our government is well aware of these terror cells; and people from both sides of the political aisle are warning that there are known sleeper cells operating inside the U.S.
In January, Diane Feinstein (D-CA), the ranking-member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, warned that there are terrorist sleeper cells operating in the U.S. similar to the ones that claimed 17 lives in France earlier this year.
“I think there are sleeper cells not only in France but certainly in other countries and, yes, in our own,” she told CNN. “This calls for vigilance. … Hopefully, we can be more active in terms of doing those things which enable us to find terrorists, see who they’re communicating with and to track that.”

The pamphlet warns people need to be prepared for a wide range of attacks including:

Explosives – Explosive devices are typically the most common and most accessible due to readily available information and how easily they can be detonated from remote locations.
Biological Threats: Biological threats are not always as noticeable in comparison to other attacks. Signs of these particular attacks usually correspond with patterns of unusual illness or waves of people seeking emergency attention. Many have extended incubation periods before they manifest themselves as diseases or sickness in individuals.
Chemical Threats: Chemical threats can have an immediate effect on people, animals or plants. Many chemical threats may be odorless and tasteless and have the ability to dissipate rapidly. Signs of a chemical attack include difficulty breathing, experiencing eye irritation, losing coordination, becoming nauseated, or having a burning sensation in the nose, throat and lungs.
Nuclear Threats: Nuclear blasts carry intense light and heat, a damaging pressure wave and widespread radioactive material that has the potential to contaminate the air, water and ground surfaces for miles around.
Cyber Attack: Cyber threats do not give major signs of an attack and are often times difficult to identify. Cybercrime, state-sponsored hackers, and cyber espionage can pose national security risks to our country. They are extremely dangerous, and can be detrimental to businesses, government and personal privacy.
Radiological Dispersion Device (RDD): RDDs are far more likely to be used than a nuclear weapon due to the lack of technical knowledge they take to build and deploy. Most often called “dirty bombs”, RDDs are designed to scatter dangerous and sub-lethal amounts of radioactive material over a general area.

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